Employment Application Contact Personal InformationFirst NameLast NameAddress Line 1CityStateZip CodeEmailHome PhoneCell PhoneDate of BirthAgeEmployment InformationFor each position selected below, specify the desired number of hours per week in the corresponding rows. Please note: we cannot guarantee these hours, but we will do our best to accommodate your request.Desired Position(s) - check all that apply Lifeguard Front Window Concessions Swim Team Coach Swim Lesson InstructorI was previously employed at CWSC I was previously employed at CWSCLifeguardMinimum Hours Per WeekMaximum Hours Per WeekFront WindowMinimum Hours Per WeekMaximum Hours Per WeekConcessionsMinimum Hours Per WeekMaximum Hours Per WeekSwim Team CoachMinimum Hours Per WeekMaximum Hours Per WeekSwim Lesson InstructorMinimum Hours Per WeekMaximum Hours Per WeekWhy do you want to work at Colony West Swim Club?Employment HistoryList your last 3 employers or other references.NameCompanyJob TitlePlease specify Employer Friend FamilyAddress Line 1CityStateZip CodePhoneNameCompanyJob TitlePlease specify Employer Friend FamilyAddress Line 1CityStateZip CodePhoneNameCompanyJob TitlePlease specify Employer Friend FamilyAddress Line 1CityStateZip CodePhoneCertificationsLifeguard Training Yes NoOrganizationDateCPR Yes NoOrganizationDateFirst Aid Yes NoDateAvailabilityDate I am available to begin working:Date I am available to work until:Sunday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableMonday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableTuesday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableWednesday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableThursday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableFriday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableSaturday Availability morning afternoon evening not availableCertification I hereby certify that the answers and other information on this application are true and correct and that I understand that any misrepresentation or conscious omission of facts on my part will be justification for dismissal, if employed.SignatureSubmit